Promotion of Finnish education export to the Middle East to revolutionize your institution’s educational system.
In order to create a generation change in a society towards sustainable development, one of the best ways is to invest on nurture and education, especially from early ages. According to the development researchers such as Dr. Mohsen Renani, up to the age of 7-10 children have a huge potential to be formed to become a development engine. However, after around this age until the age of 18. kids and teenagers are more prone to accept behavioral and personality change from their same age friends. But after that their personality is hardly influenced by outside variables, unless the person invests huge amount of resources and determination to create a change from within. This shows the importance of education and nurture from early ages when in a lot of societies no plan exists for kids to learn developmental characteristics such as the art of listening, conversation, patience, team work, innovation, sharing, empathy, tolerance, cooperation, trust, etc.
Negligence on learning above mentioned skills result in selfish and competitive people who seek their own success in a unsystematic way. Some educational systems has understood the importance of this and their pretty much developed societies is a clear evidence of such investments. According to CNN and Independent, Finnish education is among the bests in the world. There are some reasons for that like letting students have limited homework and play at school.
We organize workshops for your school teachers or students’ parents to get to know more with the Finnish education in action or through school visits to elementary schools along with our pedagogical experts and cooperation with our other Finnish partners. We can also help you to implement the Finnish educational system in your school and localize the content to increase the efficiency of your schools, get better overall results and deliver competent and successful graduates to the society.